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2024/4/19 20:08:42

diamond Company

Dalumi Diamond Manufacturers

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N-Expo >> diamond  |  Expo NO:dia006 中文版

Dalumi Diamond Manufacturers

Company Synopsis

Founded in 1960 by Asher Delumi, Dalumi Diamond Manufacturers, a DTC sightholder since 1993, is today one of the top quality names in the world of diamonds. With skills passed down from the founding family, Dalumi has maintained a global presence in the diamond business and is continuously expanding its global perspective. As a marketing oriented company Dalumi’s focus is on tomorrow’s products as well as today’s customers.

Dalumi’s headquarters in Israel, grouped with strong presence in Asia, the US and Europe enables the company to focus on projects and joint ventures with various global retailers and jewellery manufacturers to bring the industry forward to a more updated, contemporary frame of mind.

Amongst Dalumi’s latest projects are “Tattoo your Diamond” a big success in Italy, due to be launched all over Europe and the China by the end of 2005

As a DTC sightholder Dalumi is the source for the finest natural diamonds, in addition the company’s branding know-how is transforming it into a source for fresh inspiration and contemporary consumer thinking.

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